Seed Aide CoverGrow

Granite Seed is an authorized distributor of Seed Aide CoverGrow. Profile describes Seed Aide CoverGrow as, “an advanced technology granular mulch made from recycled wood and cellulose fibers. Once applied and activated by water, the granules quickly expand and disperse to provide outstanding protection and water-holding performance right where it’s needed—whether you’re spot treating smaller bare spots, or hydrospraying larger areas, CoverGrow is the easy and convenient way to establish vegetation.”

Seed Aide Cover Grow brochure

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USDA announces $40 million available to help ranchers restore sage grouse habitat. Click here to be taken to the USDA’s webpage for more information.

Attention Private Landowners! Usda Makes Funds Available For Sage Grouse Habitat Restoration


Contact us our experts are available to help with your reclamation, erosion control, turf and native seed projects.