13 - 24 in.
Bunchgrass Sodformer
Native or Introduced:Native
Precipitation:9 - 14 in.
Moderately Coarse:Best
Moderately Fine:Best
Not Adapted
Seeding Rate:5 - 9 PLS lbs/Acre
7.00 lbs.
Seeds per Pound:191,000
Germination Time:Days
Planting Season:Summer
Outstanding vigor, leafiness and disease resistance. Excellent winter hardiness. (Released 1954, source of ecotype: Pierre, SD)
Winter hardy, long-lived, late maturing. May not yield seed crops in regions with short growing seasons. (Released 1958, source of ecotype: Holt County, NE)
Drought tolerant , with excellent seedling vigor. Frequently used in AZ, NM, and southern CO. (Released 1940, source of ecotype: Vaughn, NM)
Winter hardy, long-lived, early maturing. Adapted to areas with short growing seasons. (Released 1958, source of ecotype: Holt and Platte Counties, NE)
Excellent forage production and vigor. Good disease resistance, fair winter hardiness. (Released 1944, source of ecotype: El Reno, OK)
This is subspecies caespitosa selected for drought tolerance, seedling vigor and herbage production. Adapted to the southwest. (Released 1984, source of ecotype: Socorro, NM)
Selected for exceptional rhizome production, and adaptablity to southern plains areas with greater than 18 inches of precipitation. (Released 1983, source of ecotype: Haskell County, TX)
Contact us our experts are available to help with your reclamation, erosion control, turf and native seed projects.